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To love IS to concieve

TO LOVE IS TO CONCEIVE. It's about giving up non-essential things, and talking about the fundamental ones. If a human being knows what he wants, if he has the strength to react to accommodation, he starts with small things and slowly goes beyond his limits: It's sure to be a winner! There comes a day when our masks break. The important thing is to never give in (even in the face of the most unexpected and immense disappointment), even if we apparently feel defeated. LAUGHTER AND SMILES. Laugh like crazy, smile like a stranger. "If there is no way to discover the truth, then there is no reason to be upset." (Pyrrhus) Only those who dedicate themselves to understanding it can absorb the love that participates in it. "Sincere words are not painful! But what is the benefit of your rebuke?" (Book of Wisdom) There comes a day when love can no longer bear so much carelessness and disappears. "Just as snow in summer is unnatural and would ruin crops, so “glory is not fit for the stupid.” (Quote from Magazine) There comes a day when pain no longer has an owner. "Are you plotting to correct my words, The statements of a desperate man, which are carried away by the wind?" (Book of Wisdom)


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